Analog Rytm Sound Pack: Transient Synthesis Posted on 3 Dec 12:16 , 0 comments
Ask and you shall (often) receive! After numerous requests for a sound pack that utilizes the internal synth engines of the Analog Rytm, Transient Synthesis has now landed.
This sound pack specializes in tight, punchy drum sounds and has plenty of other sonic surprises too: deep basses, ringing leads, pads, stabs, noise bursts, etc.
While Transient Synthesis puts the Rytm's synth engines on center stage, it also includes a supporting cast in the form of some specially processed percussive samples. These samples are designed to be used for layering with the internal engines, adding even more character and punch to the mix! The samples are all high pass filtered to varying degrees, and work perfectly with the warm, thick tones of the analog engines.
Since the release of the new analog machines in OS 1.30, the Analog Rytm has become even more versatile in terms of the sounds it can produce. All these new machines and new parameters means it can take a considerable amount of time and knowledge to find the "sweet spots" in the machine for the best ready-to-use sounds. Transient Synthesis is the answer to this! And with the bonus addition of the included transient samples, you'll have plenty of ultra tight, punchy sounds in your sonic arsenal.